

Recent Newsletters

Welcome to Our Newsletters! 🌟

Stay in the loop with our updates, announcements, and exciting news. We’ll be sharing insightful articles, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and special events crafted just for you. Whether you’re a long-time member or new to our community, we’re thrilled to have you on this journey with us. Thanks for joining us, and let’s dive into all the wonderful things happening at The Julie Community Center!

Newsletter Archive

Step into the Past with Our Newsletter Archive! 📚

Explore a treasure trove of previous editions where we’ve covered a wide range of topics, from informative articles to exciting announcements. Revisit your favorite moments, catch up on what you might have missed, and relive the journey we’ve taken together. Our archive is a time capsule of insights and updates that have shaped The Julie Community Center, and we invite you to delve in and rediscover the stories that have made us who we are today. Enjoy your trip down memory lane!

Our past newsletters are available for download as PDF files.
If you are having difficulty with the files, please download the free Adobe Reader App.

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